Allan Wolf-Tasker: The Far North – Book
Australian artist, painter Allan Wolf-Tasker has spent a lifetime studying the Australian landscape. From aerial perspectives along the Great Ocean Road to a drought-ridden Victorian countryside; he has always managed to find an optimistic view of Australia’s diverse terrain.
In this most recent exhibition; Allan leaves his studio in Daylesford for the vastly different Far North of Australia, an area he has visited with his wife Alla since the 1970s but never before captured on his canvas. The opportunity to “fully exploit the colour palette” proved too tempting….
“In a sense the subject matter is secondary to the finished effect of these works. I spend considerable time observing, recording and then drafting each image onto the canvas. The aerial perspective from previous exhibitions still plays a major role at times. From that point on though, it is all about the painting. Subject matter will be moved, re-calibrated, distorted or even permitted to morph into something else. Representation begins to take a back seat and fun, optimism and determination in the creative process leap to the fore. The beauty of these pieces therefore, if you agree, is in the dramatism of the finished works …. The leap of faith that they ask you to take in your own assessment and interpretation.”
Collectors familiar with his past exhibitions will recognise an evolution in Wolf-Tasker’s painting processes and may be captivated by the increased vigour and brushwork in these latest works. This book features an introduction by ABC’s Viginia Trioli and beautiful imagery by Sharyn Cairns.